Frequently Asked Questions
How do I become a member?
We're so happy that you're interested in becoming a member! You can become an official SGA member by paying your $25 dues on MyPaymentsPlus. To become an active member, attend our meetings, come to our set-ups, and keep up with our Remind.​
How do points work?
Points are our way of keeping SGA members accountable for activity. This year, we are requiring SENIORS to get a recommended number of 20 points per semester (40 in total for the entire year!). If you do so, you'll get a cord at our closing SGA banquet in the spring. As for GENERAL MEMBERS, we will also ask that everyone gets 20 pts per semester, or 40 points in total for the entire year (points roll over semesters, so just make sure to have 40 by the end of the year). ​
We have a point sheet available on our site, as well as a point discrepancy form, so keep updated on that to make sure you're on track for the year!
How do I keep updated on upcoming events?
Our REMIND! To join, the Remind for your grade, simply text @thewood[YourGradeNumber] to 81010 and keep an eye out for our messages :)​